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Customized International Business Training
FITT has been trusted for over a decade to create customized international business training programs for industry leaders in global trade. And now we can use our proven approach to curriculum development to meet the specific needs of your company or organization.
Contact us at to learn more about how we can customize an industry-validated training program, course or workshop to give your employees and associates a competitive edge in today’s integrated global marketplace.
The following are just a few examples of how FITT has used its expertise and knowledge to deliver valuable global trade training solutions to our clients:
Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
FITT has worked with the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) since 2011 to offer a streamlined pathway for all Trade Commissioners working through the online FITTskills program. In that time, over 165 Canadian Trade Commissioners have worked their way through the FITTskills program, with more starting all the time.
In the past, FITT has also designed, developed and delivered one-day pre-posting training modules for Trade Commissioners as well as for GAC Regional Offices. The module covered the basics of trade finance to assist these groups in providing financial advisory services to their clients.
Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC)
We modified and adapted our Going Global international business training materials to meet the specific objectives of the CHRC: to outline the steps involved in exporting cultural products and services, to learn how to develop an international business plan, to identify the challenges involved in international trade and how to overcome them, and to learn to access relevant and current sources of information.
Wood Manufacturing Council (WMC)
We created four custom one-day international business workshops to assist companies in the wood manufacturing sector go global. These workshops covered the basics in export market-research, marketing, market-entry strategies and understanding the cultural aspects of international business.
Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC)
We worked with CAHRC to conduct an extensive literature-review and gap-analysis of our entry-level workshops and redesigned four of them to meet the specific needs of agricultural exporters. The review outlined the results of consultations with key government departments and agencies and agricultural commodity organizations involved in exporting. Learn more about these workshops here: