FITTskills Edition 7.2 eBooks Order Form

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FITTskills 7.2 Edition eBooks (English)
eBook Order

These digital editions allow simplified access to the practical content found in the courses in a searchable and portable format. eBooks are downloaded and viewed using VitalSource Bookshelf software.

  • Personal Desktop - Download your FITTskills textbooks to your personal computer and access them directly from your desktop. They are completely portable and you can use them whether you are connected to the Internet or not.
  • Online - Access your textbook anytime and from anywhere by logging-in to the eBooks website. Plus, all your notes and highlights stay in sync!
  • Mobile - Get your FITTskills eBooks on your smart-device and access it whenever you’re on the go.
  • Please proceed through the registration process to purchase your edition 7.2 eBook(s). A license code and access instructions will be sent to you with your order confirmation.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact / 800.561.3488 x 107

Feasibility of International Trade eBook

This textbook covers the research, analysis and planning necessary to examine the organization’s current state, to identify promising opportunities and to analyze potential outcomes, both positive and negative.

$60.00 each.
Global Value Chain eBook

This textbook examines aspects of the primary activities, distribution and inventory management, and the supporting activities of document management and procurement, which are integral to international trade logistics.

$60.00 each.
International Market Entry Strategies eBook

This textbook examines the analysis and planning necessary to choose and implement the most effective market entry strategy for a new venture. The importance of cultural competence and compliance with applicable local and international laws are also examined.

$60.00 each.
International Trade Finance eBook

This textbook examines how organizations can manage their finances and mitigate financial risk by selecting appropriate transaction methods and tools for their international trade activities.

$60.00 each.
International Sales & Marketing eBook

This textbook details considerations an organization must make when promoting and selling products and/or services beyond domestic borders.

$60.00 each.
Products & Services for a Global Market eBook

This textbook examines what, why and how organizations develop, adapt or customize goods and services in relation to international trade.

$60.00 each.

Includes all 6 FITTskills Edition 7.2 English eBooks

$250.00 each.
FITTskills Edition 7.1 eBooks (French)
eBook Order

These digital editions allow simplified access to the practical content found in the courses in a searchable and portable format. eBooks are downloaded and viewed using VitalSource Bookshelf software.

  • Personal Desktop - Download your FITTskills textbooks to your personal computer and access them directly from your desktop. They are completely portable and you can use them whether you are connected to the Internet or not.
  • Online - Access your textbook anytime and from anywhere by logging-in to the eBooks website. Plus, all your notes and highlights stay in sync!
  • Mobile - Get your FITTskills eBooks on your smart-device and access it whenever you’re on the go.
  • Please proceed through the registration process to purchase your 7th edition eBook(s). A license code and access instructions will be sent to you with your order confirmation.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact / 800.561.3488 x 107

Faisabilité du commerce international eBook

Ce manuel explique les étapes de recherche, d’analyse et de planification rigoureuses qui sont nécessaires pour examiner la situation actuelle de l’organisation, cibler les occasions d’affaires prometteuses et analyser les résultats possibles, positifs comme négatifs.

$60.00 each.
Chaîne de valeur mondiale eBook

Ce manuel examine les aspects des activités primaires, la distribution et la gestion des stocks ainsi que les activités de soutien de la gestion des documents et l’approvisionnement, qui sont indispensables à la logistique du commerce international.

$60.00 each.
Stratégies d’entrée sur les marchés internationaux eBook

Ce manuel examine l’analyse et planification rigoureuses nécessaires pour choisir la stratégie d’entrée sur le marché la plus efficace de toute nouvelle initiative. L’importance de faire preuve de compétences culturelles et de se conformer aux lois locales et internationales applicables sont aussi examinés.

$60.00 each.
Financement du commerce international eBook

Ce manuel examine les stratégies et les connaissances requises pour garantir la réussite des transactions commerciales internationales.

$60.00 each.
Ventes et marketing internationaux eBook

Ce manuel examine en détail les éléments dont une entreprise doit tenir compte lorsqu’elle souhaite promouvoir ou vendre des produits et services au-delà des frontières nationales.

$60.00 each.
Produits et services pour les marchés mondiaux eBook

Ce manuel examine quelles organisations conçoivent, adaptent ou personnalisent des biens et des services destinés au commerce international.

$60.00 each.

Includes all 6 FITTskills Edition 7.1 French eBooks

$250.00 each.

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