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Workshop - International Sales & Marketing
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When you communicate clearly with your customers, negotiate or conduct your transactions clearly and provide the service they want, they'll keep coming back again and again. This workshop will teach you how to set up the right sales channels to give your customers access to your products or services, discover whether using agents, wholesalers or retailers should be part of your strategy, and find how acting upon customer information you've gathered can lead to increases in satisfaction rates.
What You'll Learn
- Assess your position in the e-commerce marketplace by understanding your operational needs, capabilities, opportunities and challenges.
- Improve overall sales by integrating your e-commerce strategy more seamlessly with your overall sales and marketing plan.
- Localize for target markets and accommodate future growth by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your e-commerce operations.
- Reach and win over customers with your e-commerce strategy you were unable to appeal to with more traditional sales and marketing efforts.
- Provide a user-friendly, timely and secure e-commerce system customers will result in more completed checkouts.
What’s included
- Workshop eBook, which includes unit-based exercises to help you study (the related answers are also available for download)
- Video resources focusing on the central issues and concepts of the workshop and providing practical examples
- Guiding notes to facilitate tracking of key concepts
- Case studies offering real-life examples to help you study and prepare for important business situations
- Sample exam questions to demonstrate exam format and help you practice for your final assessment
- Mobile-friendly workshops: access and download all workshop materials, including your eBook, for easy reading on the go!
- Access to the E-commerce multiple-choice online exam
- Essential international trade skills to help you compete in today’s integrated global marketplace