GIVEAWAY! Access a FITTskills Lite resource and you could win a FREE FITTskills course Feb 3-28
We've worked hard over the years to achieve significant milestones that have helped us further our mission to develop the most up-to-date, industry-validated international trade training programs and certifications:
2017 – FITT’s 25th anniversary
We’re excited to have reached this important milestone, and look forward to empowering global trade professionals, helping them succeed in international markets for many years to come.
2017 – Launch of FITTskills 7th edition
The 7th edition of the FITTskills courses is the most significant update to the course material in several years. Designed by business for business, the 7th edition is a leading-edge, practical program designed to teach all the most important skills and knowledge you need to achieve global business success.
2017 – Your Future 2017 Conference
Ready to rub shoulders with the brightest minds in global business? Our conference is scheduled from October 2-4 at the Hilton Lac-Leamy. Enjoy hearing our list of expert speakers, network with your colleagues and celebrate with us as we look forward to our next 25 years, and beyond!
2016 – CITP Competency Profile 3rd edition launched
The Certified International Trade Competency Profile reflects the skills and knowledge individuals need to obtain the CITP®|FIBP® designation. It incorporates the wide variety of specialized knowledge and skills CITP®|FIBP®s use in their work worldwide.
2016 – Occupational Profiles
These profiles provide a comprehensive summary of the required competencies for 20 of the highest priority international trade occupations.
2016 - Competency Framework
As the first of its kind ever created for international trade, the Framework reflects current and future practices and contains standards for multiple international trade occupations. The 10 competencies within the framework describe the fusion of knowledge, skills and abilities required to be successful in the evolving integrative trade business environment.
2015 – International Competency Standards (ICS) Project
Nearly 120 international business professionals from across Canada and internationally gathered to take part in focus groups and validation sessions. These individuals helped us create world-class industry standards for global trade and defined exactly what it takes to outperform the competition.
2013 – FITT Completes its International Trade HR Sector Study
March of this year, FITT will complete its international trade HR Sector Study after deciding to move forward with the project as a result of its pre-assessment study.
2011 – FITT Undertakes an Industry HR Pre-Assessment Study
FITT undertakes a pre-assessment of the current human resource challenges faced by Canadian businesses engaged in international trade. The purpose of this pre-assessment study is to determine if there’s a need to complete a comprehensive human resource study of international trade.
2010 – FITT Tops 400 CITP®|FIBP®s
FITT also reaches 4,051 FITT Certificate of International Business holders and 2,502 FITT Diploma of International Trade holders.
2007 – Recognition from the World Trade Centers Association
The World Trade Centers Association (WTCA) recognizes the CITP designation as a standard of excellence for its staff and clientele involved in international commerce.
2007 – First FITT Achievement Award
The FITT Achievement Award is created to recognize a full-time student who has demonstrated initiative in promoting international trade in their college, university or community. The winner of the first Student Achievement Award was Kari Spry of Cobourg, Ontario—a Niagara College student.
2006 – CITP Competency Revision is Completed
This project enables FITT to update and re-define the recommended competency requirements of individuals involved in international business. This also gives FITT the opportunity to build further competency development into its FITTskills training program.
2003 – FITT Recognized Internationally by NASBITE
FITT is the recipient of the NASBITE “International Trade Program Excellence Award” for the FITTskills program.
2002 – FITT Educational Awards Launched
The FITT Educational Awards are created to recognize individual students for their outstanding performance in the study of international business.
2001 – FITT Begins Accrediting International Trade Programs
FITT starts accrediting academic institutions and organizations that already provide international business courses. This gives students more options for attaining the educational requirements of the CITP designation.
1999 – FITTskills Online is Launched
Expanding outside the classroom, FITTskills Online is created to make quality international trade training available to everyone, including professionals outside of Canada.
1999 – Going Global is Launched
Going Global is a series of workshops created to introduce the fundamentals of international business. It is ideal for individuals and organizations seeking to understand the introductory basics of global trade.
1998 – The First FITT National Conference
FITT´s first annual National Conference is held in 1998. These gatherings create a quality professional-development and networking event for CITPs, FITT members and international trade professionals and students.
1998 – The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation is Launched
The CITP designation is developed and launched, and it becomes the first of its kind in the world. This designation proves an individual’s level of competency and experience in international trade. Now in its fifteenth year, the CITP designation continues to gain recognition as the standard for international business practitioners around the world!
1996 – Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Process is Launched
FITT’s Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process is created to enable people to use their past education and experience toward earning FITTskills credits.
1993 – The FITTskills Program is Launched
The FITTskills international business training program is created with the vision to provide Canadians with practical global trade skills. It is made up of a series of eight courses that teach the fundamentals needed to compete in global markets. Since 1993, FITT has used industry experts to undergo six content-revisions to ensure participants receive the most up-to-date and relevant learning materials. Participants who successfully complete the FITTskills or equivalency meet the educational requirements for the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation (launched in 1998).
1992 – FITT is Incorporated
FITT is incorporated after a number of studies reveal a need to develop and implement an international business skills strategy on a national scale.